Autism Spectrum Disorder

Part of our Child and Adolescent Psychometric Assessment Services

Autism assessments are thorough evaluations that involve interviews, observations, and various assessment tools. The autism assessment itself takes place over two sessions. One session includes administering the psychometric assessment with the child to determine presence of autistic symptoms (ADOS-2) and the second is an interview with the parent or carers to gain further detail on the child’s behaviours. For older children, they can be involved in the assessment process by discussing their own first-hand experiences. Assessment scales are also given to parents and teachers to complete to gain further details on the individual’s social behaviours in these environments.

When diagnostic criteria has been met, a paediatric review by a Paediatrician is recommended to confirm the  underlying diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Camden Child & Family Therapies Sydney Autism Assessment

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If you have questions or would like more information about our Assessment services, please call us on (02) 4610 7410 or email us at

Our other assessment services

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Anxiety or Depressive Disorders
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Autism Spectrum Disorder
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(including Dyslexia Assessment and Dyscalculia Assessment)