What we can help with?

The focus of this service is Child and Adolescent Psychology.

Therapies utilised in the clinic are evidence based and have shown to be effective in treating a range of emotional and behavioural issues and mental health difficulties in children and adolescents.

Assistance can be provided for the following areas;

Anxiety  - (separation anxiety, generalised anxiety, social anxiety, Panic Disorder, phobias).


Anger/Emotional Regulation

Oppositional Defiance

Behavioural problems (school and home settings)

Bullying - difficulties/issues


Toileting concerns

Executive functioning (including ADHD)

Family separation

Post trauma / abuse

Children in care - therapy and supportive counselling is available for children in foster care and their care givers.

Grief and Loss counselling

Autistic Spectrum Disorders 

Counselling for parents is also available relating to; stress management, behaviour management training, and attachment therapy.

We can also assist in the following areas;

Intellectual/Cognitive Assessment (WPPSI IV, WISC V, WAIS IV)

Academic & Educational Testing (WIAT-III, WISC-V, WPPSI-IV)

Assessment for Intellectual Disability (Vineland, WPPSI IV, WISC V, WAIS IV)

ADHD Assessment (WISC V, Conners)

Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment (ADOS-2, CARS-2, SRS-2)

Assessment for Specific Learning Disorders (including dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia)

School Readiness assessments (Considering cognitive abilities, attention and other areas needed)

Applications for HSC Provisions

Camden Child & Family Therapies Sydney Therapy Services

If you have any questions regarding areas we can help with, please get in touch.

Our administration team are passionate about their roles as the first point of contact for the Practice. They are happy to assist with any enquiries you may have regarding the service.

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