Anxiety or Depressive Disorder Assessment

Part of our Child and Adolescent Psychometric Assessment Services

Assessments to confirm depression or anxiety involve the young person meeting with their psychologist to complete a comprehensive interview to discuss their experiences. Assessment tools are also used to support the outcomes of the assessment. An assessment to detect the presence of an anxiety or a depressive disorder can help young people and their families better understand what they are going through. It can help to inform intervention and to know what supports are needed going forward.

Camden Child & Family Therapies Sydney

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If you have questions or would like more information about our Assessment services, please call us on (02) 4610 7410 or email us at

Our other assessment services

Cognitive Assessment
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ADHD Assessment
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Oppositional Defiance Disorder
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Anxiety or Depressive Disorders
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Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Intellectual Disability
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Educational Assessment

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(including Dyslexia Assessment and Dyscalculia Assessment)